New Member
Hi all,
I'm a total n00b at this, so please forgive certain ignorance on my part...
I have a 10-gal tank, with 3 platies and 1 tetra in it for about a month. I was too ignorant to know about proper tank start-up, so the tank didn't get that. I bought a test kit and the water seems to have stabilized with a nitrogen cycle, now. I have a 29-gal tank that I'm just starting a proper start-up on (nothing in it yet).
I just battled ich in the 10-gal, and after medication for 5 days, and partial water changes every other day (done by vacuuming up junk from gravel), I see no signs of ich anymore, and the fish have certainly improved in their mood/activity. One platy (a RedWag) shows some fin rot, on all fins and tail. I noticed it first a couple days ago as a slight whitish "fuzz" along fins and tail, and now I see it is actually causing ragged edges where the "fuzz" used to be. In this picture, its the RegWag platy in the middle:
So, my question:
I'm under the impression that I should continue treatment for the ich for a few days, just to make sure its really gone. I really want to treat for the fin rot, too - I don't know if medication for both simultaneously is possible/well-advised or not. Also, what medication(s) are the best-advised.
Your sage advice would be extremely welcome. Also, I can provide more details on the history of my tank/fish (not sure how much advisors would like).
Sincere thanks,
I'm a total n00b at this, so please forgive certain ignorance on my part...
I have a 10-gal tank, with 3 platies and 1 tetra in it for about a month. I was too ignorant to know about proper tank start-up, so the tank didn't get that. I bought a test kit and the water seems to have stabilized with a nitrogen cycle, now. I have a 29-gal tank that I'm just starting a proper start-up on (nothing in it yet).
I just battled ich in the 10-gal, and after medication for 5 days, and partial water changes every other day (done by vacuuming up junk from gravel), I see no signs of ich anymore, and the fish have certainly improved in their mood/activity. One platy (a RedWag) shows some fin rot, on all fins and tail. I noticed it first a couple days ago as a slight whitish "fuzz" along fins and tail, and now I see it is actually causing ragged edges where the "fuzz" used to be. In this picture, its the RegWag platy in the middle:
So, my question:
I'm under the impression that I should continue treatment for the ich for a few days, just to make sure its really gone. I really want to treat for the fin rot, too - I don't know if medication for both simultaneously is possible/well-advised or not. Also, what medication(s) are the best-advised.
Your sage advice would be extremely welcome. Also, I can provide more details on the history of my tank/fish (not sure how much advisors would like).
Sincere thanks,