mean but nice fish...


Oct 9, 2003
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im looking for a fish for my 46 g that will kind of scare my other fish, kind of like the bully, but wont beat them up, freak them out to death, or kill them.

sounds kind of wierd, but i think it will add more life to my aquarium. my fish are already active, but it will make some of my fish school, and things like that.
just ignore what i just said and let me know of any fish that fits the descvrption above. :D thanks
what all do you have already? my gouramis have been known to chase other fish around without causing physical harm.............................
A bully in the tank will make the other fish scared and nervous, therefore more prone to disease and they will also try to hide away all the time, so you won't see as much of them as you do now.
:angry: Ok so you want to stress out your fish for your entertainment, :crazy:
SOMETIMES WORDS FAIL ME...................................
im sorry but i disagree totally with what you are saying, thats nothing short of being sick :no:
What do you have in your tank? If they're peaceful community fish, why would you want to do that? Get aggressive fish instead and observe them securing and defending their territories. Personally, I get the most pleasure out of watching my fish spawn and then tend their fry. Yup, I'm just an old voyeur! :p
ok, i knew it wasnt going to go well..

no i dont want to stress out my fish. but kind of too keep them up on their toes, if u know what i mean.
in other words, like the less agressive fish of the agressive, or an agressive fish of the peaceful.

or just a fish thats intimidating. i dont know its hard to explain.
like i think angels are good fish for that, but maybe a bit to calm.

i have a very peaceful and active community,

my platies are horny little monkeys
my ottos never stop searching for algea
my rummynose tetras are always together weaving through the plants
my corys are always crazy and maybe sometimes a little psycho, lol
my angel was sick a couple days ago, doing better right now, , maybe back from the hospital tank into my main one in a week or so.

again, i dont want to stresss my fish. i dont want something that will chase them around.
Let's just go from the assumption that people just misunderstood one another. Education, not Accusation, ok?

Now, panboy...

I think I understand what you're going for, but truth be told, the angel already fulfills that function. Do your tetras school still? Do your platys give the angel his space? That's all the aggression your tank needs. It's a peaceful community and it should stay that way.

If you want to watch a dramatic tank with breeding issues and territorial squabbles, do a new tank. There are numerous ideas you could make work, some of them in smaller tanks. Heck, 8 tiger barbs in a 15 gallon would be cool. A 20g long could get you a mini Tanganyikan community... or a pair of convicts with some serpae tetra... or...

Anyway... you get the idea.

BTW, what happened to the angel? They're cool fish and I hope to have an angel tank someday.
thanks for the responses, LoveMyOscar had a good point, about the BOO! thing. it was just an idea that i had, but after the last 2 posts, u had good ideas why not to do it.

btw, my angel started to get fungus, so i moved him to the hospital tank, gave him maracyn, and now he is better. just gonna let him sit there for a couple more days to make sure he is fine.
it can't be that bad can it makes their lives more intresting, and yours

Would you call living in a box with a Grizzly more interesting? Or maybe VERY briefly stressful

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