Mbuna Eel?


May 16, 2012
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So I was in my LFS yesterday, and I'm already thinking about starting an Mbuna aquarium and I saw this Eel with the african cichlids. I can't find what its called. Anyone know the name or anything about them? Or even if it was meant to be in there?

Cheers! :)
Would need a picture mate. Or at the very least a name of sorts. There are eels from the great lakes, so anything is possible.
Why not ring the LFS and ask? For the price of a telephone call they maybe able to tell you what it is.

I went again today, forgot to take a pic thopugh. It just said Tanganyikan Eel. I just didn't realise that eels even existed in Africa. Definitely want a Cichlid set up now. :drool:
Even if the eel cost £45 :shout:
£45.00 - OUCH!!!! The most we have ever paid for a fish is a fiver and that was for a GBR.
I don't think that we would be inclined to pay that much for a fish.
If you do get it, treat it with kid gloves and pamper it - at £45.00 I most certainly would do!!!

Haha I definitely would. :L

Got to save up for the tank first. (Y)
The only rift lake eel i can think of off the top of my head is Mastacembelus moorii and Mastacembelus plagiostomus. They are not from Lake Malawi, only Lake Tanganyika. They are notorious fish eaters and should probably be kept in a species tank. You would probably only be able to keep them with large Frontosa or maybe Boulengerochromis microlepis, but Boulengerochromis microlepis isn't suited for a tank any shorter than 5m (they get over 90cm).

If you are interested in a cichlid setup, decide whether to go with Malawi, Tanganyika, or rivier cichlids. I wouldn't keep anything that doesn't originate in Malawi with a Malawi/Mbuna setup (mixing lakes/regions in general is a bad idea).

(Upon a quick google search it turns out that Aethiomastacembelus shiranus is a eel native to malawi)
Haha better not do that again. But thanks for your reply as I was going to ask whether you can mix? Are there ever exceptions?
Hi Naringlo i am thinking of selling my cichlids take a look at pics they are all lovely fish.





They are really nice fish. Look really healthy. :good:

But I don't drive nor do I have a tank big enough. :/

Only got a 120L and a 22L.
Haha better not do that again. But thanks for your reply as I was going to ask whether you can mix? Are there ever exceptions?

Nope, no exceptions.

If you are interested in Lake T fish, I have a ton of L.ornatipinnis and J.marlieri babies if you are interested.
That's very kind of you. :) But I do not have a suitable aquarium and I live in the UK or I would definitely say yes. I much prefer growing my fish from young. :lol:

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