Massive Plant Sale.


Fish Crazy
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Quantity for sale: loads
Reason for Sale: rebooting tank
Delivery or Collection: either
Sales price: stated below
Postage & Packaging: included in price
Southall, West London.

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I am breaking down my heavily planted 120 gallon tank. There are a lot of plants and I have separated them into portions below (each portion is roughly the equivalent to a pot).

Anubias barteri var. barteri, 3 pots - £7
Anubias congensis, 1.5 pots - £4
Anubias nana, 3 pots - £7

All Anubias sp. for £15

Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown', 8 pots - £15 
Mixed Cryptocoryne (not exactly sure, possibly lucens, willisi, retrospiralis), 3 pots - £5

All Crypts for £17

Hygrophilia angustifolia, 5pots - £7
Hygrophilia difformis, 5 pots - £8
Hygrophilia polysperma, 1 pot - £2

All Hygros for £14

Echonidorus sp. 'red rubin', 3 pots - £10
Bacopa monnieri, 4 pots - £7
Cardimine lyrata, 2 pots - £3
Hydrocotyle leucocephala, 7 pots - £10
Pogostemon helferi 3 pots - £11
Rorippa aquatica, 4 pots - £9
Sagittaria subulata, 12 pots - £20
Microsorium pteropus 'windelov', 5 pots - £12

I also have some random bits and bobs (like Stargrass and Water Lettuce, there's a good 30+ individual plants there) of which I'm not sure exactly how much I have, so I'll be throwing some of those in with sales at random.

In order to save on hassle I'm enforcing a minimum spend of £15 (if you want them posted) and I will not split. These are being advertised elsewhere, just so you know.

Postage and packing is included in the prices or they are available for collection from Southall, West London.
For £20 you can have the Anubias and 3 pots of Dwarf sag.
Apologies: both the Anubias and the Dwarf sag have been purchased for asking price elsewhere.
This is what's left:

Hygrophilia angustifolia, 5pots - £7
Hygrophilia difformis, 5 pots - £8
Echonidorus sp. 'red rubin', 3 pots - £10
Bacopa monnieri, 4 pots - £7
Hydrocotyle leucocephala, 7 pots - £10
Pogostemon helferi 2 pots - £7
Rorippa aquatica, 4 pots - £9

I'd take £40 for the lot.

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