Marine Tank 64Litres?


New Member
Feb 11, 2013
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Hi I currently have a 64 litre tropical tank an I really want to convert it into a saltwater tank what equipment would I need to make this happen :)
Now that's a huge question. Depends a lot on what experience you have and what you hope to do with it (it's a bit like asking what kit you need for a freshwater tank, the answer will be very different for a high tech planted or a species only predator tank).
It's a small marine tank, and well below the suggested first tank size, it's not impossible, but people do fall into the trap of trying a small tank to get started and ending up paying for miniature kit and doing lots of maintenance that a larger system could avoid.
So, first questions, is there a bigger tank you can start on to get into marine?
What did you have in mind to stock the tank (fish only, fish or inverts with live rock, full nano reef)?
My budget won't really allow me to get a bigger tank at the moment :( I was thinking just a few fish an maybe live rock an live sand from what I have read an we live in a terraced house so there isn't really enough room for a bigger tank :(
What fish are you interested in? A 64L isn't a good tank size if you are mainly interested in fish rather than various invertebrates and/or corals. Your stocking selections would be quite limited and to smaller fish. Some people do put a bunch of fish in marine tanks of that size, but those tanks are prone to waste accumulation and fish aggression problems in a much worse way with marine tanks than is the case for freshwater tanks of similar size (one of the aspects where marine differs from fresh rather a lot). In general, with marine it is better to figure out what animals you are interested in and then determine what setup you need to meet their needs rather than to set up a tank and then figure out what can go in it.
you could do a goby shrimp pair if you have sand as a substrate that's what i did in my first tank. but in general for setup you will need
Salt mix
appropriate substrate for whatever you will put in
one pound to a pound and a half of live rock per gallon
or 1/2 kilo to 3L of water a good filter and a heater of course
this is my opinion but
marine plants will help and i recommend them since it is a small tank
again this is my opinion on the last one and if i am missing anything others will probably let me know.

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