Male Guppy Bloated, Lost Tail, Black Eye

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Mostly New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Hello all,
(Sorry for coming here only when I have a problem... 
We set up this tank 1.5 years ago, and after the first difficult 6 months it was finally fine, cycled (Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0 - 0.25, Nitrate 20 - 40), peaceful, perfect. Well, almost perfect, since we had only 4 small fishes left in it - 3 Neon Tetras and 1 male Honey Gourami - a bit underpopulated, for a 10gal/40L tank. I was reluctant to buy more fish, risking bringing in some disease or aggression problems, but in a moment of boldness last week I bought a Cory and a male Guppy.
The problem: The Cory is still fine, but the Guppy, after just a few days, started bloating and losing its tail fin really fast, and his eyes went black. During the day I can't see any aggression towards him from the Neons or Honey Gourami. This morning he was hiding near the bottom behind some rocks, and now he is hiding near the surface behind some plants. He looks bad.
My question: Is it worth trying to save him? If so, how? Though last year all attempts were futile, and the fish just suffered more. Should we go straight for the clove oil???
Grateful for any advice,
I would remove him. But I could be wrong if you could post a pic that would be wonderful! From what you described you probably just got a bad guppy. Due to them being inbred it's hard to find a good healthy guppy. I have just totally given up on getting them from my LFS I order them online through the pet store so when they get To the store 1. They don't get around the other sick fish 2. They don't get around the other dead fish. 3. They but them in there own privet tank in the back. From what you described I would remove it. But it you would like to try and save it post a pic and we can tell you if it's worth it. Thanks:)
Thanks snork6,
I'll try to take and post a picture later.
But he was looking really perfect when i bought him, nice perfect tail fin and all. I was surprised to see how fast his tail fin became damaged, it felt like it was too fast for a disease to do that, only a couple of days! More like attacks from the other fish. But we are always around the aquarium, in our kitchen/dinning area, and one of us would have seen the harassment. Unless it happened during the night?
BTW:  Does anybody know if Neons or Honey Gouramis are active (and aggressive?) during the night??
I would like to know that because if they are I would not try to put another Guppy with them again.
Update: Sadly, he died. And his belly was totally flat, did it burst?!
If so, isn't the water now totally contaminated with his bacteria??
I just add some Interpet No 9, Anti Internal Bacteria, in the water, just in case.
I had that happen to my guppie. I never really understud why the belly flattens but all my fish lived so I wouldn't think it will hurt your other fish.
Thanks snork6,
Let's see what happens in the next few days...
I know my comment is quite late but I have a small grey male gypsy. His stomach bloated out a couple of days after we got him. Not much later some of his tail disappeared and I couldn't help but think that his eyes were much darker (but couldn't be sure) ...anyway I went online to see what I could find ... I found two things 1. He could just be bloated in that case I was advised that the best thing to help would be to feed him a pea as peas are apparently a natural laxative for fish. This didn't do anything. 2. A cyst (I'm not sure if I've spelt that right) apparently they can get cysts in their stomach ant there is nothing you can really do, I was advised that you can attempt to help by placing the fish on its side and stroke it from its head to its tail applying a small amount of pressure, this pops the cyst and if you continue to rub it pushed the cysts contents out throughout the fish's ... Erm ... anus.
Personally I wasn't prepared to do this as I am not a vet and totally new to having fish. He is still alive and looking bloated but he gets around the tank just as well as the other guppies so i'm leaving him be for now.

I don't know if this has given you any info but with you saying his stomach was flat when you found him that would possibly connect the cyst theory as the cysts can burst of there own accord (possibly causing death)

Again sorry the post is late I just wanted to reply as your fish sounded similar to mine.

(I know nothing really about fish. All information I have given has come from other sources)

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