Making My Tank Perfect.

Colonel Dibble

Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2012
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So I have almost set up my 180 Litre, I have a planted set-up bog wood, EFX 200, Ehiem 2213 and the juwel internal compact-h, my heater will be set to 25degrees c, around 85ppm of hardness 7.0ph black background. My flow will be circulating very well. Play sand is s bit of a bummer but does the job. The play sand is capping the soil for my vallis and elodea. Also have a load of osmocote in there. Two T5 tubes along with some blue LEDs from Dave Newbould. As for stocking I am planning to go for 12 marbled hatchetfish for the top, 24 cardinals for the middle, 3 male apistogrammas; 1 hongsloi, 1 cacatouides and 1 agassizii. Then some 6 laser Corydoras or 6 black Venezuela Corys.

I feel like this is almost perfect, but just wondering what else I could do to enhance it. What do you all think?
put some blue led lighting around the tank for the outside
Colonel Dibble said:
Well it's not setup yet
use your imagination

This shot is kind of far
thats what i meant. Your tank lloks good now and stock sounds well, i agreewith kevingrods blue lighting would look well
Looks good.
Corys & planted tanks don't go so well, corys love to dig in the substrate & will mix that sand & osmocote together very nicely & do some scaping for you
Bogwood - nice large piece of bogwood, that the vallis can kinda grow around and through.
Lillefishy said:
Looks good.
Corys & planted tanks don't go so well, corys love to dig in the substrate & will mix that sand & osmocote together very nicely & do some scaping for you
I have left a nice few patches of sand for them to dig around in. Bits without soil and osmocote.

the_lock_man said:
Bogwood - nice large piece of bogwood, that the vallis can kinda grow around and through.
got a few big bits in there already, will get a close up soon.
Bogwood - nice large piece of bogwood, that the vallis can kinda grow ar
Hey yes, if you look into to some inexpensive led lights, you can place them pointing behind the tank on that nice wall.  it will create a very stimulating background.    Kind of like what you see with people with flat screen tv's.

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