🐡 FOTM Magnum Man - April 2024 Fish of the Month Winner (Loricariidae)


TFF Contest Czar
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Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
April 2024 Fish
of the Month Contest
We had 6 awesome Loricariidae entered in this month's FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Magnum Man
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning entry and its description

Ok… I’ve already determined that I can’t win, but I suppose we need more than be 3 entries… 1st I couldn't find it for a Placard picture, then I just about disassembled the whole tank looking for it, & was unable to find it...

Unbelievable… Repashi sticks brought him out… from where, I do not know… placard picture needs zoomed, but he’s on the driftwood behind the placard
Congrats to @Magnum Man for the win with your gorgeous Loricariidae. Awesome fish and excellent picture with a great background.
Coming in 2nd place is @TC33 with their BN Pleco. Great looking fish.
And coming in 3rd place is @Ceez with their L046 Loricariidae. What an awesome looking Pleco.

Right now we are seeking entrants for our May 2024 Tank of the Month contest. If you have a 31 Gallon or larger tank, we hope to see you enter the contest.
To visit the entry thread, CLICK HERE

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