Mac Or Pc?

What do you use...a mac or a pc

  • MAC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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you do know that you can't say macs have less RAM e.t.c. as a valid argument, all imacs use high quality ddr2 ram, and they work differently to windows, and so they are more efficient.

The new mac intel chips are very good chips, whilst the older intel series SUCK. Just thought I would say that because I HATE INTEL, but now there chips aren't soooo bad as they were before :D
I've worked with both, but I prefer PC. I remember the old Apple MacIntosh, with the screen that was like 4 inches wide. I think people went blind writing papers on those suckers.

I currently have two Sony Vaios. The one in Miami is nearly 10 years old and still runs, and this one is nearly 3 years old and runs very, very well.

our 1st ever comp was an apple mac big sqaure box with a slidey number puzzle and bit where ya could make a beep noise which apparently resembled a monkey hence why i prefer PCs plus i know few peeps that have said they cant certain things with their msn on a mac so PC ALL THE WAY hahaha

never had a sony but they look pretty smart

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