Lowering My Ph?

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2013
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Curious about what ways I can effectively and safely lower my pH. My tap water is around 7.4, trying to get my tank to anywhere under 7. I heard aging tap water is a good way to lower its pH, but after its in the tank and cycles for a bit with my aeration, wouldn't the PH just go back up anyways? The whole ' More o2 and less Co2' thing? Just curious if there are other methods than picking up distilled water for water changes? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Your PH is quite a good PH to start with, I see no problem with it. Messing with PH however can be a pain and cause fish deaths if it spikes or gets out of control, Unless your getting fish that love low PH I'd take the 7.4
Well, I'm working on a set up to breed German blue rams, which like it around 6.5.
i need to lower mine as well, did a test and its at 8.3, which is mad, my plants are melting from it
Have you thought about filtering your water through peat moss and mixing that in slowly to bring it down? My tap water has a pH of 8.0 to 8.3 depending on the time of year, and since I keep and breed rams I have to keep it low as well.

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