Loud Filter


Mostly New Member
Jul 8, 2014
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So i recently got a 15 gallon tank and  got a filter also, and am cycling it right now......but the problem is that the filter is so loud. Its not really the motor or anything, it is the waterfall hitting the water.
Is there a way that i can quite it down? like with a sponge or something?
I have thought about adding more water to the tank, but am afraid if i have to move it water will spill everywhere and i really don't want that.
Depending on the filter you can use a sponge what I used to do was get a peace of flat sponge slightly wider then the outflow of the filter then wedge it in the outflow and let it hang down into the water.
smart, thanks
also i don't know where i can keep this tank, i have it in my room right now but its like a plastic stock tank and I'm afraid that it might crack or something.
If i put it outside then what would i need to do in the winter to keep 15 gallons warm enough for guppies? I now i might be able to bring them into the garage, then what? buy two heaters?

then there would also be the filter getting cold and wet........i just don't know anymore 
Can you post a picture? The water level should be at the level or close to the spout.
Yeah a pic would help us see exactly what your dealing with.
My filter is constantly breaking the water surface, I get used to the noise, breaking the water surface supplies the fish with more oxygen and allows nharmful gases to leave the water
its fine now, i guess it was just a beginning thing that it did to get water in all of its spouts and things, i did add water almost up to the spillway and it did help out

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