Lots Of Aggression Going On In My Tank


Fish Herder
Feb 21, 2012
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Since I moved the rams from my main tank to the breeding tank the discus have been overly aggressive with each other. There's a lot of pecking and bickering going on.

I'm not saying that the removal of the rams is the reason, it could simply be a coincidence, because i believe that two of the discus are pairing up and they might be trying to estabilish their territory, but I'm not too sure about it. The other four in the tank are a bit smaller (younger).

You can see the contents on the tank in my signature: should I let them sort it out among themselves, or should I remove the four smaller ones once I'm positive the two larger ones are a pair? I'm not looking to breed them, so don't worry about spawnings and fry surviving and so on, I just want a beautiful tank and happy fish.
The smaller ones are also pecking at each other, I guess venting frustration at being chased about by the larger ones.
How long have they all been together?

Mine took at least 3 months to sort out the pecking order and still have the occasional turf war now.
They were always together, I got them all from the same breeder from the same tank.

They have been separated from their siblings and put in my tank on the 7th of April

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