Looking Forward...


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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My guppies and one or two platies are nearing the end of their lives now so I'm looking forward and wondering what I'd like to replace them with. I've taken a trip to show my Dad the fish at Poppleton (maidenhead aquatics) near York and come home with idea's but I wanted to ask the experts on here if there's any problems that are likely to arise.

So, here goes ...

A school of black widow tetra's

A school of rummy nose tetra's



I'll be keeping up with my platies and cories so would any of those pose a problem for either species and what about the Dwarf Gourami Desease I keep reading about. Which species of gourami does it affect so I know what to avoid?
okay ... beginning to think everyone is ignoring me now ... :crazy:
I have a Ram, Dwarf Gourami male, Cories, and platies together myself. Rams require a bit higher temperature than the platies and cories, but the low end for Rams is the high end for the others, so they can coexist. The gourami disease affects Dwarf Gouramis. I thought mine had it recently. He started getting all thin and pinched in looking, then just as suddenly, started gaining weight and is back to his robust self again. Pearl Gouramis are a good one that don't get that disease, and don't bully other fish. They do get pretty big, though. I'm not a fan of Black Widow (Black Skirt) Tetras. They get pretty big, their black fades to gray, and can be just a bit nippy then. There are so many other nicer looking tetras that I would go for. I am a fan of the Rummynose.
I go to the Maidenhead aquatics in Poppleton aswell! :hey: Small world ;)
Hi and thanks for the replies.

I was uncertain if rams and cories could co-exist happily as after doing some research I found they also like to dwell at the bottom. They may go to the bottom of my list for now.

I'm also unsure on the tetra's after giving it some thought - there are too many to choose from and I've had neons and found them a bit boring. I like the serpae tetra's but they also look quite big so fitting in a school of them may be a problem.

I'm now leaning toward gourami's. The desease is concerning me though. I saw some opaline blue ones yesterday and they were lovely, I also saw some honey gourami too and I liked them.

It would be great if someone could give me a list of the 'safe' gourami species - or even a list of the one's to avoid. Either way it would help me to choose which I like and which to get.

I have time to research and mull things over as my 3 remaining guppies are hanging on despite being well over a year/18 months old and being subjected to ammonia poisoning when they were young. I'm also hoping my platy/molly cross doesn't live much longer as she's an absolute cow. She's around the same age as the guppies but still very active, and still a great big bully. I know platies have a life span of around 2 years but I've no idea on mollies.
I go to the Maidenhead aquatics in Poppleton aswell! :hey: Small world ;)

I've been just the once and was surprised by the amazing choice. I've been trying to convince my Dad (also a tropical fish keeper) to go look and he gave in yesterday. He was glad he did and he says he'll definitely go back.

The staff seem very knowledgeable and their choice of fish is amazing compared to here in Harrogate. Same with the plants and I like the fact that there's a book next to the plants listing their light and temp requirements.

All in all, still very impressed :D

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