Looking for DuckWeed


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
I'd like to get some Lemna Minor duckweed for my community tank..so the neons and rasboras and cories have something to hide under, plus I think it's really neat looking.


I'm having problems fiding any online for a decent price....does anyone here have any that they'd like to sell a little of?

I would take Wolfia, if anyone has it, as well..but I'd rather have the Lemna Minor, becasue it is slightly larger.


I think you problem will be finding it in small enough quantities. I know we only sell it in two pound quantities and that is a hell of a lot of duck weed. You might have better luck just by stopping by the LFS and scooping some out of their tanks. They will probably just give it to you. I've got to warn you though, once you have duck weed in your tank you may never be rid of it.
Will you be willing to ship? I don't know if you can ship plants to U.S from Canada, because I know you can't do it vice versa due to customs reasons. If so, then PM me as I know someone here in Ottawa that has a lot and would like to get rid of it. Not sure of variety though, have to check. But I'm surprised that you can't seem to find any in lfs's, they're pretty common around here. Most discus tanks I've seen have a lot of duckweed to dim the lights, have you tried that route? Look for breeders or something? :thumbs:
I can't even find plants around here. None of the shops I vist/know about have anything like this.

I don't see why I couldn't get plants form Canadia (;)) ..seeing how I get fish from there.

If your friends is willing to do it, yes I'd be willing ot pay shipping..so long as it isn't outrageous or anything.

I found a shop that sells it, you get 3 tablespoons for $5 + $15.00 shipping. I just thought that sounded high, for 3 table spoons.

As far as getting rid of it...I'll just scoop it out if it gets to populated and throw it away.

Oh, BTW I want the kind that doesn't have roots hanging down...so if your friend has that kind..that's what I'm intersted in :D. Thanks
Duck weed always has roots that hang down. They must have a fish that like to munch on it.

Shipping costs to Canada for live plants would blow you mind. There is a $100USD charge just for the export certificate.
I must have like a trillion of these. If I could I would trade, but I think I'm a bit too far... I got some floating plant from a small lake in my sister's small farm and some of these came with these floating plants, and now they are multiplying like crazy. The dwarf gourami used them to make a nest but there is a lot of them left. The neons didn't care much for it though. The more I remove, the more they grow.
wow 100 dollars...that's insane. Wonder why it doesn't cost that to export fish and it does plants?

lol I don't think I can swing that, if tha'ts the case. I'll just have to pay the $5.00 for a few tablespoons and be happy with that lol.

I knwo they have "roots" but certain varieties have a shorter root system then others. The Wolfia has no root at all. The Lemna Minor has a root but it's only about 2" long.

I guess I will keep looking
YAY :hyper: I found and ordered some.


Had it for .99 for a 1/8th of a cup. Shipping was $10, but I ordered a few other plants..so it evened out the price lol.

This is a awesome deal right here
1 Java Fern

2 Cryptocoryne Wendtii (Red)

1 Echinodorus Bleheri Small ( Amazon)

3 Ludwigia repens

1 Anubias Barteri

4 Echinodorus Tenellus

1/8 lb Java Moss

1 Portion Lilaeopsis

2 Marble Snails

*Value $29.50

* Priority Mail shipping charges are included When checking out the web site automatically adds the $10 shipping fee, we will take that back off before charging you.

Yuo get all those plants..ad a snail..plus the shipping is included in the price..can't beat that lol. If I had room I'd sure buy that lol. Heck I still might lol, if I could talk my son out of using those glass pots we have in ours lol.

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