Looking For A Plant...


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2011
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So, I have a 2.5g tank that is mostly empty (it has a pretty ratty natte of Java ferns, some MTS and an assortment of other snails).  I have been wanting to introduce some copepods or daphnia or both for some time, I just have not gotten around to it nor am I sure that they are live under the tanks current conditions (little natural light, no heater).  But all of that is besides the point.
I am interested in moving the tank (or switching it out for a 5g) into a room with significantly more light, maybe adding a heater for the cooler seasons, and maybe even adding a real light.  But in doing so, I thought that I might get some sort of flowering plant or two or four to grow out of the tank that would trail its roots down into the tank and send its leaves upwards.  In short, I am looking to make a little riparium.
And I would be interested in any advice as to which plants to head towards.  Or where I might find information on the subject.
Thanks in advance.
most stem plants will float and send up there leaves from the surface, they can get to about 3 inches above the water. 
Yea, I was thinking maybe a little more exotic than that...
I can't really suggest many plants that could fit into such a small space as that off the top of my head other than the fact that as Mike suggested, many stem plants do flower quite nicely. However you might be able to get away with a small variety of Anthurium? They certainly would fit your "exotic" idea :) Other than that, Anubias nana var. 'Petite' is a small plant that could work quite well and should flower a little like the Anubias in my profile picture both submerged and above the water line.
There are many, many plants in this category, almost too many to list. Anthuriums are lovely, but possibly a little bit big. If you want plants that will dangle roots (I would suggest that they have something solid to sit on for most of them but still dangling otherwise) that flower and aren't too big then have a look at the hairgrasses, pretty little flower carpets.

Beyond that there are the marginal plants that you'll find in the pond lists, as well as HC and glosso that stay small.

Pretty much otherwise you're looking for anything on a hydroponics growing list.
Well,  I guess my issue is that I am really not even sure of where to start. For example, anthuriums look lovely, and if more or less the sort of thing I am thinking.
There is a pond list? Where? I went looking but I didn't find it.
Not sure why I typed lists. I blame being tired and being at work when I shouldn't be. I meant shops.
If you like anthuriums then have a look at the bromeliads as well. Also several of the iries and lily's, along with a few orchids.

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