We have decided to take a big leap and buy a 420L tank, measuring 180cm x 50cm x 151cm (inc stand), with an oak frame (see picture below). The tank will be with us in around 1.5-2 months once I have re-enforced the floor. This also gives me plenty of time to prepare, decide on stocking and work out the logistics. I plan to have sand substrate with possibly some areas of gravel and have it quite heavily planted.
I will be getting rid of my existing 125L which currently houses 1 dwarf Gourami, a small shoal of Rummynose & black phantom tetras, 6 x Peppered Cory.
I am hoping to relocate all of the above fish to the new tank and dramatically increase the numbers of rummynose, probably up to 20-30. I am hoping to get some bigger fish in there to but not sure what options I have as yet. Will I have many options with the above species? Also, once the tank is mature (6+ months) I hope to get an African Giant Filter Shrimp.
I have a number of questions really on the logistics of the whole thing…
I know I am going to have to undertake substantial water changes and hear that a ‘python’ system would be the best, what would you recommend?
Should I go for two external filters (in case one fails) or a sump?
With heaters, what should I go for? Do I get quite a few?
If I go for external filters I plan to cycle them in a large bin of water a month (or more) before I get the tank (adding ammonia etc) - Will this be an okay way to get the bio-filter setup?
Whats the best way of cleaning the gravel? Any recommended systems?
What else should I be considering? Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance for any advice!
We have decided to take a big leap and buy a 420L tank, measuring 180cm x 50cm x 151cm (inc stand), with an oak frame (see picture below). The tank will be with us in around 1.5-2 months once I have re-enforced the floor. This also gives me plenty of time to prepare, decide on stocking and work out the logistics. I plan to have sand substrate with possibly some areas of gravel and have it quite heavily planted.
I will be getting rid of my existing 125L which currently houses 1 dwarf Gourami, a small shoal of Rummynose & black phantom tetras, 6 x Peppered Cory.
I am hoping to relocate all of the above fish to the new tank and dramatically increase the numbers of rummynose, probably up to 20-30. I am hoping to get some bigger fish in there to but not sure what options I have as yet. Will I have many options with the above species? Also, once the tank is mature (6+ months) I hope to get an African Giant Filter Shrimp.
I have a number of questions really on the logistics of the whole thing…
I know I am going to have to undertake substantial water changes and hear that a ‘python’ system would be the best, what would you recommend?
Should I go for two external filters (in case one fails) or a sump?
With heaters, what should I go for? Do I get quite a few?
If I go for external filters I plan to cycle them in a large bin of water a month (or more) before I get the tank (adding ammonia etc) - Will this be an okay way to get the bio-filter setup?
Whats the best way of cleaning the gravel? Any recommended systems?
What else should I be considering? Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance for any advice!