Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

Definitely Crystal Red Shrimp, A/B grade I think, as Creg says, bloody expensive over here!
Love CRS, there looks to be 1 better grade shrimp in there. Like the others say, they are expensive over here at the moment.
Love CRS, there looks to be 1 better grade shrimp in there. Like the others say, they are expensive over here at the moment.

Well, evidently my rasboras gracilis love them too, but not in the same way. :angry:

Well, that was some expensive live food. :angry:

Corydora tank it is and very large shrimp that will kill and eat gracilis. :angry:
thats a shame, before all my Bekfordi's jumped out a couple had a nibble on some cherries. The rasboras look a lot like them.
thats a shame, before all my Bekfordi's jumped out a couple had a nibble on some cherries. The rasboras look a lot like them.

Bleh, I'm disappointed.

I wanted shrimpies.

If the tank looks good, I'll go ahead and order the orange lazers for this tank in the weekend.

Tank will rescaped & restructured. Look for a new thread.

Thanks for enjoying & commenting on this scape. I enjoyed it, but I need to move on & I have new ideas.

Wow. thread got all full of porn while I was away...! :lol:
Ive looked through all these old journals, and its the same people (you included coldcazzie) wth is with all the Porn? Im being serious. Looks like some people need to get a life and stop having 20 kids

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