Little Eggs


New Member
Aug 15, 2014
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Hi everyone I'm new to the fourm.
I have a little question.
My tank is running a little dull after I had a massive snail infestation and many didn't survive. :(
But I only have my bristolnose's and I'm sure it's an albino corydora.
My Bristolnose have had some little babies (so excited it's their first breeding)
And I have only one corydora so my finger is pointing at it for laying eggs. But how? Where is the male? Some info would be great I'll attach a pic of the eggs but please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks for your answers :)
Sophieschick said:
Hi everyone I'm new to the fourm.
I have a little question.
My tank is running a little dull after I had a massive snail infestation and many didn't survive. :(
But I only have my bristolnose's and I'm sure it's an albino corydora.
My Bristolnose have had some little babies (so excited it's their first breeding)
And I have only one corydora so my finger is pointing at it for laying eggs. But how? Where is the male? Some info would be great I'll attach a pic of the eggs but please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks for your answers :)
if the cory has laid the eggs then they will just be unfertilised eggs which will not hatch so they may as well be removed, on the other hand they might be you bristlenoses eggs, will not know until you upload a pic, but if they are white they are most likely your corys, orange will be the bristlenoses.
Here is the pic I forgot to upload it.
With what your saying it makes sence that its unfertilised eggs. Didn't cross my mind, though it should have and I'm a wee bit blushed :)


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There are lot of fish that won't lay eggs on their own, so don't be embarrassed for not thinking of it

Corydoras will, though, and those are cory eggs. 
Sophieschick said:
Here is the pic I forgot to upload it.With what your saying it makes sence that its unfertilised eggs. Didn't cross my mind, though it should have and I'm a wee bit blushed :)
now you just need to get a few more corys with hopefully some males and you can get some babies since you have a breeding age female. Also what type of cory do you have?
Yes they look like cory eggs, unfortunately a few cory species are now available in "Albino" but the most common one is still Albino bronze cory. So if you want to raise some fry you could get either some normal bronze corys or some more albino's.
Young corys are hard to sex so getting a group is almost certain to supply you with male and female. With adult corys the females are generally larger and a lot rounder than the slimmer males.

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