Lily Pipes And Filter Questions!


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2012
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I have an internal filter at the moment on a 60l tank and I am considering and external one for two reasons, I KNOW I will end up getting a bigger tank so I want to get an external filter for suitable for upto about 120 litres also I would like the filter to be suitable for connection with lily pipes. And also I would like to get lily pipes as they are really quite beautiful! I've looked around and also at reviews but I don't know what to get.

Can anyone recommend a really good external filter, or cheap lily pipes?

Thanks, Axy!
Eheim do some good ones but for value for money I'd go with an Aquamanta from Maidenhead Aquatics, I use one on my 60 and its awesome. I use an EXF 200 but you'll want a 300 for yours and you can put lilly's on it.
I have an internal filter at the moment on a 60l tank and I am considering and external one for two reasons, I KNOW I will end up getting a bigger tank so I want to get an external filter for suitable for upto about 120 litres also I would like the filter to be suitable for connection with lily pipes. And also I would like to get lily pipes as they are really quite beautiful! I've looked around and also at reviews but I don't know what to get.

Can anyone recommend a really good external filter, or cheap lily pipes?

Thanks, Axy!

Here's a good selection of filter I would seggest:
I have the 2213 on my 50L tank and it keeps the water crystal clear.

Here's a good place to get your lily pipes from (if you live in the UK):

Hope this helps
Thanks very much for the replies! I'll have a look!
Sorry, one further question, I'll be keeping my 60l tank in my bedroom for foreseeable future, so I am wondering if the eheim or aquamanta filters are loud or not?
I'm a light sleeper haha!
Sorry, one further question, I'll be keeping my 60l tank in my bedroom for foreseeable future, so I am wondering if the eheim or aquamanta filters are loud or not?
I'm a light sleeper haha!

Eheim are silent, some times they start to make noise but after a clean it's silent again.
Aqua manta are silent providing you opt out of having plastic bio balls in your filter.
So I have no worries. So a £100 for my desired setup. I think I'll go for the aquamanta and the lily pipes from tank scape. Thanks a lot guys!
Out of curiosity can I have a look at your tanks? Im new to this and would like some inspiration :)
Good choice. Yes sure, here's my tank:
Simplistic and lovely, thats what I want... heres mines.
Does yours use co2 because it looks really lush and green:)
Simplistic and lovely, thats what I want... heres mines.
Does yours use co2 because it looks really lush and green:)

I had Co2 for the first 4 ish months but I have unhooked the Co2 now and I'm just using liquid co2 and ferts. I will check yours out now.
I'm wanting to stick with a low-tech setup, what fertilisers and co2 do you it seems to be doing a very good job!
Mines a clicky link in my sig as "Rainforest".
Wow, hoping mine look half as good as these! Once mine grows in, i'll have to copy copy copy haha
Thanks for all the help and advice!

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