Fish Gatherer
I have a fully cycled (for a few years... since the Queen's Jubilee... I forget how long ago that was! LOL) and planted tank. 20 gallons, heated at 78F, water stats are spot on and I've had no fluctuations in readings.
I have recently replaced my fluval U3 but this problem predates that by about 2 days.
My female honey gourami (who is not old and only in the last month seems to have reached sexual maturity from what I can tell) is lethargic. In the last month she started to mate with my male and her color changed, she was full yellow when I first got her and she is now about 1/4 orange and 1/4 a fade from orange to yellow and the rest yellow.
The one and only symptom she has is that she is lethargic and chooses to sit somewhere quite like behind a plant or behind the filter. Her color is bright, she eats very well, poops very well and normally, nothing at all about her physical appearance looks off in any way and no introduction of new fish as well as no other fish showing any symptoms.
(my fish are 2 honey gourami, 11 normans lampeyes, some shrimp and some snails).
Lethargy is the ONLY symptom. As a result, I chose to give her a full treatment of anti-internal bacteria meds. I gave her one dose and 24 hours later she seemed to perk up, but by day 4 when the next dose was due she was just hiding and sitting again. I did the third "if needed" dose on day 7 but I doubt that will help if it hasn't already.
Any ideas?
I have recently replaced my fluval U3 but this problem predates that by about 2 days.
My female honey gourami (who is not old and only in the last month seems to have reached sexual maturity from what I can tell) is lethargic. In the last month she started to mate with my male and her color changed, she was full yellow when I first got her and she is now about 1/4 orange and 1/4 a fade from orange to yellow and the rest yellow.
The one and only symptom she has is that she is lethargic and chooses to sit somewhere quite like behind a plant or behind the filter. Her color is bright, she eats very well, poops very well and normally, nothing at all about her physical appearance looks off in any way and no introduction of new fish as well as no other fish showing any symptoms.
(my fish are 2 honey gourami, 11 normans lampeyes, some shrimp and some snails).
Lethargy is the ONLY symptom. As a result, I chose to give her a full treatment of anti-internal bacteria meds. I gave her one dose and 24 hours later she seemed to perk up, but by day 4 when the next dose was due she was just hiding and sitting again. I did the third "if needed" dose on day 7 but I doubt that will help if it hasn't already.
Any ideas?