Leggy plants?

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Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2003
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Ok gurus, quick question for you...

How do I stop my plants becoming soooo leggy? I mean, I want them to grow - but they streak for the top (obviously cos that's where the light is and they'd look pretty silly growing downwards!).

Running an 88l plant/fish tank (approx 12" tall), with 2 lights, 1x18w Aqua-glo, and 1x18w Day-Glo I think they're called. Have just replaced them both as they were getting about 8 months old.

Also running a Nutrafin(?) CO2 system, which needs "recharging" as it's down to about 1 bubble/minute now, but do ya reckon I can unscrew the top? Think it's locked down with superglue, so until I find a way to get the screw-top off, they'll be short on CO2.

I feed once/week with liquid fertiliser, can't remember which.

So...any ideas on how to get nice healthy "normal" plants, rather than lanky leggy things?

That could be a sign that not enough light at the right intensity is reaching the bottom of the tank.

Try adding another tube and/or reflectors to your existing tubes to increase the light output. :thumbs:
Thanks for that - is a homemade reflector as simple as putting tin-foil behind the light - or is that over-simplifying things?

ade said:
Thanks for that - is a homemade reflector as simple as putting tin-foil behind the light - or is that over-simplifying things?

That would be a start although it wouldn't be as efficient as a proper reflector due to all the wrinkles in the foil. Proper reflectors are cheap - especially at the size you need.

Also stop using liquid feed and try root tabs - that way you can target specific plants and not the whole tank :thumbs:
88 litres converts to 23 US gallons. Now allowing 2 Watts per gallon for "Medium" light, you'd need 46 Watts, you have 36, so your light is actually short of medium. You also don't say what kind of plants, but things like Cabomba sp. etc., many bunch plants in fact, will bolt to the surface and then the lower leaves fall off, they are simply not getting enough light. For higher light demanding plants, you're going to need more like 80 Watts over the tank.

CO2 will not help much without sufficient light for the plants to metabolise it, similaly liquid feeds.
Dammit, I'd worked on 19 UK gallons @ 2 watts/gallon, and gone for 2x18 (ie 36) as it was nearest to the 38 I'd calculated. Doh!

Haven't got a clue what the plants are, I just say "I'll have that one, that one, those two, that one etc etc" - no idea what they are. Perhaps I should put more care into that?

Thanks for all your help folks,

Pretty much any time you see gallons quoted, it is assumed to be US gallons, most people in the UK are happy with litres.

>>> Perhaps I should put more care into that?

Indeed, browse Tropica's plant list for types that match your water conditions, lighting, and have an "Easy" or "Very Easy" category.
Lighting isn't something I'd really given much thought to. Water conditions I've worked on the assumption that what grows and is happy at the LFS will be happy in my water too as it's similar water (if that makes sense?), that was the advice given by the LFS - albeit not the same LFS that I use now...

Yes, if a plant has been at the lfs for a while and is visibly growing, then the water conditions are probably okay. There are some plants that simply will not grow in hard water, a smaller number in acidic conditions. Have a look at that list.
Lateral was spot on. Make sure you know what plants you are buying, I know it sounds like a hassle, but I did the same thing at first and everything died (Including a beautiful Jungle Val) :dunno:

Just bring a bad of paper and a pen to the pets store if it makes it easier, also, don;t be afraid to ask the LFS people about the plants. They are usually quite helpful
Hi crew,

Went to the LFS to get higher wattage lights but couldn't. My tubes are 24" long, and the only wattage I could get were 17W and 18W, which is way under the 46W needed. Because of the design of the hood I can't get any more tubes in there, so bought proper reflectors.

Will this suffice or do I need to think along the lines of a custom hood?

Well, as LL and others have said, your current light will certainly suffice, ... if you have the right plants. Tropica's site is a good one for id, and so is the Plantgeek Plant Profile section.

And, you probably won't find higher wattage lights. NO (normal output, or 'regular') fluorescent bulbs don't come in different wattages like incandescents do; they're generally 10W per foot of length.

If you decide you want to increase your light, but not make a custom canopy, you could consider a Compact Fluorescent light. I believe you can get a 55W or 65W CF light that will fit in a 24" strip. If retrofit is an option, I'd suggest looking at AH Supply's CF retro kits.

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