Kribensis Or Honduran Red Point Cichlid?


New Member
May 19, 2013
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Hi I am new to the forum and I have a question on stocking my 36 gallon community tank. I have 8 harlequin rasboras, 5 Celebes rainbow fish, and a trio of peacock gudgeons. I have been looking for another species of fish that hangs around the bottom of the tank and these two have caught my eye. I would like a pair of whichever species I choose. I have heard that kribensis get very aggressive when breeding. If I choose these, should I get 2 females? 2 males?
Never get cichlids for a community setup unless it is with other cichlids. They destroy plants and are very aggresive given your tank size is a bit small. I suggest you also increase your rainbowfish numbers since they are shoaling so they need to be kept in a group of 6. Bottomline: dont since most if no all cichlids are Aggresive given a small tank size.

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