Kribensis Fry Advice Please


New Member
Jan 4, 2009
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Hello everyone, I could use some advice please. I have a well established 4ft tank with lots of seemingly happy fish. However, on saturday morning I noticed the number of fish in my tank increased by about 200. I can't believe how many babies my kribs have had. Both parents are doing a fantastic job so far. All the other fish in my tank have been restricted to the opposite end of the tank, occupying about 1ft. When the fry swarm out of their plantpot for small excursions, both mum and dad shepherd them around, taking stragglers into their mouth and re-depositing them into the wriggling mass of siblings. It's a joy to watch, if not a little nerve racking.

This morning the fry seem to be between 3mm and 5mm from tip to tip. Should I be thinking about taking the whole krib family out and relocating them into a 2ft tank I have? I worry this might stress the parents and cause them to eat the younguns though. Or, should I just transfer thew fry? Or, should I just leave them all be?

I look forward to your thoughts and advice.


Mum and dad krib are still doing an amazing job and there still seems to be around 200 fry.

In the absence of any advice, I've decided to leave them be and let nature take its course.

I will move any survivors into my 2ft tank once they are taking care of themselves.
hello, well you have some choices......Either move the fry themselves to the 2ft as there now free swimming, however if the parents are doing a good job leave them to it, as you say its great to watch, I would be more inclined to rehome the other fish leaving the family where they are, but depends as you may have problems catching the others, again parents may get annoyed and eat them....I think your best this time to leave as is and document what happens, then maybe think about future batches..congrats anyhow......I would throw in lots of plastic plants for the fry to hide in,
As nelly mentioned it may well be best to leave them to their own devices this time to see what happens. Fish do "learn" from their parents and fry certainly learn breeding behavious this way. Fish taken from their parents too young have a habit of being bad breeders, and the bad habits get stronger with each generation.

Keep them as they are unless you notice that they aren't getting any food, or they are struggling against currents.

Good luck tho and keep us updated. :good:
Thanks Nelly and Saz. Mum and Dad are amazing. They are taking the fry on increasingly perilous excursions. The largest fry are perhaps 8mm now. Here are a couple of pics I took on Sunday.

Here's Mum doing her duty.


And here's Dad with kids.


Hello Ron and everyone else,

Do you have any advice for raising the fry? I have never raised any fry and my Krib female has layed her eggs and soon they will be hatching. I have a 28g tank with some barbs, shrimp, a red tail shark, rasboras and of course my Krib pair. The area is well protected with live plants and java moss for them to hide in. I am going to keep them in the tank much like Ron has. Any advice would be very helpful!

1. What should I feed them?
2. What is the growth rate?
3. Is there anything I should know that you have learned?

Here is a link to a video of what my aquarium looks like. It is before i put the java moss in. The Krib cave in in the center at the bottom of the drift wood.

Thanks for your help!
To raise them:

Leave them with the parents and (with a few exceptions I presume) all the other fish...

That is all :good:

Plus they will spawn again and again and again...

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