Krib Behavior Question.


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
I have a couple of Kribs that are defiantly a pair and they set up home in a coconut shell, the female was going in and out and the male guarded the entrance vigilantly, chasing any fish that came near.
This was going on for a while, sometimes as she left he would go in and as she returned he came out to guard again.
Today I noticed they seem to have left the shell, she went in a couple of times but not the same behavior, plus he was off swimming around and not guarding anymore.
The odd occasion he did shift any fish that went near the shell but not as aggressive as before, so what do you think has happened, was there eggs/fry in there and something has changed or what?
I haven't moved the shell yet just in case but the behavior has changed.
Well I'm a father, kind of any way.
The Kribs left the coconut shell for some reason and I thought they had abandoned the idea of breeding, any way this morning I noticed the male shifting anything that came near to the female, she was in the open by a stone and a plant and then I noticed little brown specs moving.
At first I thought it bits from the substrate she had stirred up then as she moved they were still moving and the male took over.
I could then see these tiny dots moving around, I estimate around 20-30 but can't be sure it might not be that many.
I have no facility to put them anywhere yet so I'll look in to it.

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