Krib 32 February 2020 Fish of the Month Winner!


TFF Contest Czar
Staff member
Global Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in
February 2020
Fish of the Month Contest
We had 9 unique fish entered in the FOTM contest but only one could win...
And the winner is..:band:

Krib 32

Let's all congratulate Krib 32 and his male
pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe


Here is the winning FOTM and the description
My male pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe of my breeding pair.
Tank: 20 long breeding tank
Tank mates: female kribensis
The kribensis species have a very cool behavior they dig out holes under things and constantly display to their mates.
Feeding: bloodworms, flakes and algae wafers and also eat the plants in the tank.
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Congrats Krib32. What a great fish and great super clear photo. How did you get him to stay still for that photo? What model camera are you using? What setting did you use for the photo? What type of lighting did you use?

Coming in second place was Barry Tetra with his cute little Chinese algae eater. Nice photo. Congrats for the runner up win!

Thanks to all members who participated in this contest. Next up is our Tank of the Month contest which starts on March 1st. It will feature Nano tanks sized at 16 US gallons (60.6 litres) or less. If you have a tank that size, I hope you will enter TOTM.
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Congrats Kribe32. What a great fish and great super clear photo. How did you get him to stay still for that photo? What model camera are you using? What setting did you use for the photo? What type of lighting did you use?

Coming in second place was Barry Tetra with his cute little Chinese algae eater. Nice photo. Congrats for the runner up win!

Thanks to all members who participated in this contest. Next Tank of the Month contest starts on March 1st. It will feature Nano tanks sized at 16 US gallons (60.6 litres) or less. If you have a tank that size, I hope you will enter TOTM.
Thanks! He stayed still for about a half a second which was just enough for me to get a clear picture, I also had the camera on the shutter priority setting and had the shutter speed cranked way up which helped "freeze" the fish resulting in a clear detailed photo. For my camera I use a Canon EOS Rebel SL2 and the light was a nicrew sky led.
Very nice, I have a lot to learn about photographing fish! The best picture of a fish I have is probably my avatar/profile picture. (My betta, Blaze)
Very nice, I have a lot to learn about photographing fish! The best picture of a fish I have is probably my avatar/profile picture. (My betta, Blaze)
Yup taking pictures of fish is pretty hard.
I took that picture with an Apple iPad Mini 4 which doesn’t have the best camera to begin with. :(
Congratulations! Nice fish :)

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