King Bettas?


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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I traveled up to Petco (I know, I know, bleh) recently to see what they had, and I saw a few king bettas, one being a nice dark blue color. This got me thinking, what are "king" bettas? Selective breeding, a deformity, or just large fish? Are they healthy? ( like, do you have organ problems)
King bettas are sometimes referred to as half giants since they are a good deal bigger than a normal size betta but not as big as a true giant betta.  They are not deformities but rather selectively bred from the largest of the spawns to eventually end up with larger sized fish.  At this point in time, I haven't heard of any particular health issues that are from the fish being larger.  A bit of consideration has to be taken if one gets a betta that is either a king or a true giant since they are larger.  More room and more food is the biggest ones along with increased ability to jump from whatever tank/container they are being kept in. 
I had a king betta once, back when they first started showing up in Petco.  Loved that betta - was probably my favorite domestic/fancy betta I ever owned.
Awesome, thanks Wild! :D
I was fantasizing about a 20 gallon with the blue male..just wasn't sure if they were like blood parrots or not o_O
I saw one of these here too. They were, as usual, mislabeled as "Colombian Bettas" to bait unknowing newbies and curious customers alike. I was like, Colombia huh?! @___@
Weird...I've never seen them labeled like that before o:
LyraGuppi said:
Weird...I've never seen them labeled like that before o:
Americans are not as gullible as the people here when it comes to uncommon animals. You can paint a turtle white and sell it off for a hundred dollars here under shady labels like snow turtle or ice tortoise hahahaha -__-

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