Killifish for 5 gallon?


Fish Addict
Oct 23, 2016
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So I just inherited a 5 gallon and I would like to know as I was goanna go on the path of dward puffers but after risks of internal parasites and only eating snails I decided maybe a type of killifish so what kind of killifish could I put in it?(May change as I am still getting the stuff for the tank.)

P.S I found a thing on ebay for 3 dwarf sag plants for 5 $ is it a good deal? I have low lighting but do dose ferts.
I don't know about the kill fish but buying those dwarf sag plants would be sort of smart

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IMO 5 gallons is too small
I know but most places,people,etc. say small versions should be fine.I found sone 1 inch big ones so I thoguth maybe those were goanna work
I found sone 1 inch big

And how big do they get when full grown? When buying fish remember the fish you see in the shop are usually juveniles in most cases.
No need to apologize, Maybe Galaxy Rasboras aka Celestial pearl danios, or a Betta.
A single dwarf puffer would be fine, you may get away with two provided the tank is densely planted/harscaped and has excellent filtration and very frequent water changes.
Mmmmmm I dont know about two I would probably have to watch the first to see his attitude and how he acts before even considering a second.
If you get two you have to get them both from the same place and add them at the same time. You can't add one after you add the other.

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