Keyhole Cichlid Colour


Mr. Terrorcore!
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
Hi people :) haven't been round for a while! Got a quick question:

Annoying me now lol, why are my Keyholes so dark in colour? Almost brown all over. They was nearly white when I brought them over a year ago! Is it age, mature, breeding?

I will get a video/picture if needed but heres some pictures of google for you,

Like this when I brought them (image from google):

Now they are both like this, maybe even darker! (image from google):

Is this just normal for them?

Thanks :good:
welcome to the forum... :rolleyes:

Thanks! I have a 20L tank with 5 Oscars and 12 Keyholes. I change 10% of the water every year :p :lol:

Yes, its normal. They get darker as they grow.

Thanks mate :). Hard to check for M/F? Was both the same size when I brought them. One is rather bigger than the other and fins are a little longer on one than the other. Was going to add something like slate and see if anything happens! They are always together :)
welcome to the forum... :rolleyes:

Thanks! I have a 20L tank with 5 Oscars and 12 Keyholes. I change 10% of the water every year :p :lol:

Yes, its normal. They get darker as they grow.

Thanks mate :). Hard to check for M/F? Was both the same size when I brought them. One is rather bigger than the other and fins are a little longer on one than the other. Was going to add something like slate and see if anything happens! They are always together :)

You water change nearly as often as you visit the forum then...
I moved and didn't have internet for aprox 5 months. Re-done the tank a while ago.

14 Rummynose
1 Bristlenose (Lol the picture I posted of him when I got him aprox 2-3cm... much bigger now)
1 Angel Fish (The one with the yellow head got killed by the black/silver striped sadly)
2 Keyholes (Best fish! Glad you told me to get these :p)
2 Bolivians

Also recently got a solenoid and regulator, just need a few more bits inc FE to set the co2 up :good: going to carpet the front from left to right with luck!

Was going to add some YoYo Loach... what you think? :)
Dorsal and anal fin in males, tend to extend to or pass the end of the tail fin. Females don't get near as long, but do get some nice length to them.

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