Sorry I am a novice at posting pics so here goes again!!
Hi, here are a couple of pics of my Juwel Trigon 190, Recently changed over from gravel to caribsea black sand, Got eco-complete planting substrate around the back and sides to help the plants along. Running with a tetratec ex1200 which I have used to replace the standard juwel internal. Water quality and clarity seems to be much better. Stocking is two peal gourami, twelve copper harlequin, four x-ray tetra, eight sterbai cory and a columbian ram (his wife sadly died recently)
Hi, here are a couple of pics of my Juwel Trigon 190, Recently changed over from gravel to caribsea black sand, Got eco-complete planting substrate around the back and sides to help the plants along. Running with a tetratec ex1200 which I have used to replace the standard juwel internal. Water quality and clarity seems to be much better. Stocking is two peal gourami, twelve copper harlequin, four x-ray tetra, eight sterbai cory and a columbian ram (his wife sadly died recently)