Juwel Rio Bottom Trim - Structural?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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I bought my Juwel Rio 180 used and when I loaded it into the car after buying it - the bottom trim fell into four bits, one for each side of the tank. I got it home and it was clear that it had been patched back together before! I attempted to glue it back together but when I lowered the tank into the frame, the corners split back open once I'd taken off the tape I had bracing it together which is kind of what I expected to happen TBH.The end result doesn't look too bad. There is a small gap at the corners that probably only I see because I know they are there, the weight of the tank is holding them firmly in place. But now my little wheels are turning and I'm fretting that the bottom frame helps to support the seams...do you know if this is the case?

I still have the frame on, so the "floating base" is still in effect.
It's not structural as such; it doesn't actually hold the seams or anything. As you've guessed, it's just there to hold the base of the tank up. I've got a Juwel tank with the same problem, and it's been fine. You have nothing to worry about, as long as the base is being held up evenly :good:

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