Just nonsense

Techinchally river rocks go through erosion to become sand
So my tank has a lot of sand
I also believe that glass is also a liquid and gradually the bottom gets thicker and the top thinner.
That does actually happen. You notice it on old glass windows that are tall/ high (6ft+). After 20 yrs the top of the glass will be noticeably thinner than the bottom of the glass.
If glass is also a liquid, then your liquid tank is holding not only sand, but more liquid
The glass used to do that because all glass had lead in it and the lead would migrate. If you look at old glass it has a slight grey tinge to it, that is the lead.
Sorry folks, glass doesn't flow at our time scale. If you were to take a micrometer to your old windows you wouldn't be able to detect a statistical difference between the top of the pane and the bottom, assuming they started flat. Some references call it an amorphous solid. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-glass-really-a-liquid/ Glass is mostly SiO2 as is most sand, but sand is crystalline.

Obsidian is a natural glass like material, as it ages it absorbs water which causes a white coating on it that increases with age. This coating has been used to date stone tools. https://volcano.oregonstate.edu/wat... increasing the water content within the rock.

My teachers also taught me that glass is a super cooled liquid.
That does actually happen. You notice it on old glass windows that are tall/ high (6ft+). After 20 yrs the top of the glass will be noticeably thinner than the bottom of the glass.
It was assumed that the the glass moving. But when researches calculated how long it would take for that to happen, The calculation exceeded all of human history.. The cause was eventually traced to how the glass was made before it was put in the wndow frame.


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