Just Lost First Fish To Ich


New Member
Mar 19, 2013
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Rexburg, ID, USA
Hey all, just lost one of my long time fish to Ich. :(
I don't think I caught it fast enough on him unfortunately. But I have been treating the tank and noticed its now on my mama sunburst platy.
Steps I have already taken are:
1. Taken out carbon filter
2. Added Aquarium Salt
3. Increased temperature to 84* F
4. 25%-50% Water change per day
5. Added Ich treatment. 
Is there anything I can do to increase my platy's chance of survival?
Thanks in advance.
If you are doing daily water changes, you are diluting the medication. Follow the instructions on the bottle TO THE LETTER, and if they don't mention adding salt, then start by doing a massive water change (ie90%+) to get rid of the salt before starting the medication course again.
Im more familiar with it on the Marine side of things, so I hope I don't steer you wrong.  I believe with those water changes you'd be counter productive with the meds. 
According to the bottle, its asking for me to do water changes then add more medication every day until its gone. 

Also if I don't change the water, the nitrate/ammonia levels skyrocket since there is no real filter in the tank right now. 
OK, if that's what the instructions say, then carry on. I must say that I feel that this is profiteering on the part of the manufacturer.
When you have beaten the whitespot, you will need to put a new carbon filter in, as the carbon only lasts a few weeks. This will clear the spent meds (which are basically poisons anyway) from the water. After 2 weeks, I would take the carbon filter out again, and replace with more sponges or ceramics. Because of the limited lifespan of the carbon, I don't bother with one - my dechlor deals with any heavy metals in the water anyway.

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