Just Bought Some New Fishies


New Member
May 1, 2012
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Hey guys, thanks for all your help choosing what fish to add to my tank :) Decided not to go with the honey goramis, and left my male fighter in there til his new betta tank arrives. Shrimp are HUGE! lol.. so funny to watch tho!












:) yeah, identify the fish.

I need to sort out the placement of the stuff in the tank, but I love the new fish and shrimp.
No idea, I just randomly picked them and hoped for the best.
The shrimp is an Ammano shrimp, the corys are panda cory, albino cory and peppered cory and the other 2 look like cockatoo Cichlids male and female but I could be wrong.

Its not a good idea to buy fish if you dont know what they are - how can you tell if they are going to be compatible with your fish, the right size for your tank or what to feed them on etc? Always do your research before you buy.
Apart from the Beta - I think you have landed on your feet there. Advice though - dont do it again else you will get no respect from others on here. It is really important that you know how big/agressive the fish will get and what water parameters they can live in.

The neons and american cichlids are a good combination. Both do well in softer water.

7th picyure down looks like a cockatoo cichlid female - but the other cichlid doesnt look like a cockatoo to me. Looks male but Im not sure which species - the face looks too ornate to be a Cockatoo and dorsal too small. Maybe post a question in the american cichlid forum on here.

They will do well together just look out for the make cichlid bullying the female. Whatever species he is he should have a hareem of several females.
They are male and female agazzi's. Many will also say a pair will work better, be it agazzi or cacatuoides, so should work out quite nicely.
What size tank is it ?
I see HMS plec as well
3 types of cory I take it you have 6 of each ?
The female cichlid is a cacatuo but the male is not maybe apisto macmasteri or viejita
And as said others are neons

Did you not ask when you got them ?
IMO only it doesn't look like agazzi

More like a apisto macmasteri


I may be wrong though ;)

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