Just Been On Argos


Fish Addict
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
you wouldn't believe what they stock online for aquariums now


api and waterlife range


im sure they have only just started doing this as they used to stock the odd tiny tank but now they have the juwel tank range too and tetratec external filter range. 20% off at the moment on pet products. not bad if you have an argos store card eh

delivery only,but free
Oh no! I just bought my Juwel lido, paid more than that :(
certainly better than what they offered previously, all we need now is for them to get rid of those plasticy 10 litre tanks :good:
certainly better than what they offered previously, all we need now is for them to get rid of those plasticy 10 litre tanks :good:
Yeah the longer these tanks are available the longer people are going to think its ok to keep goldfish in them...

Oh no! I just bought my Juwel lido, paid more than that :(

i think thats just for the tank. cabinet is separate i think. extra £84 on top
Your right the stand is separate :(
I got taken in by the price too, till I realised the cabinets were separate.
They have quite a good selection, shame they have goldfish bowls though
The lava rock isnt a bad price compared to whats out there.

10kg for £18

Oh yeah you're right! Awesome, that means I paid less for my cabinet and stand :hyper:
heart attack till i also misread, my tanka nd stand were actually cheaper than this, but good to see a wide range, although not available instore

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