hi guys
i have a lovely jewel cichlid with a few spanner barbs and 2 turtles in a 55 gallon tank and i was wondering on the real level of aggression the jewel has as all i read is how horrific they are and yes they are aggressive but not as bad as i have read,he defends 2 caves and that is it the turtles have never been bothered even when entering his cave,yet in the tank at the pet shop he was with another male jewel and he was seriously doing some damage.why is he so placid in my tank and with my inhabitants ? also is anybody has any tips or suggestions on keeping him i'd appreciate it thanks
i have a lovely jewel cichlid with a few spanner barbs and 2 turtles in a 55 gallon tank and i was wondering on the real level of aggression the jewel has as all i read is how horrific they are and yes they are aggressive but not as bad as i have read,he defends 2 caves and that is it the turtles have never been bothered even when entering his cave,yet in the tank at the pet shop he was with another male jewel and he was seriously doing some damage.why is he so placid in my tank and with my inhabitants ? also is anybody has any tips or suggestions on keeping him i'd appreciate it thanks