Hey just have a question about Jewel Cichlids. I have a 40 gallon breeder tank with Opaline Gourami 4.5 inches, RTBS 3 inches and Leopard Ctenopoma 2.25 inches. I just recently added a 2 inch kribensis and 2.5 inch Jewel Cichlid
I've always been interested on getting a Jewel Cichlid. Just put off by their aggression. Its been 2 days and everyone seems to be getting along well. Just my RTBS chases my kribensis every now and then. Always keeping an eye on my Jewel, scared he might just snap and kill my other fish. He's only scared of my Gourami and gets on fine with everybody.
Will this mix work long term? I read Jewel gets more aggressive as they get bigger.
Im also thinking of adding Roseline sharks if that will work. Any suggestions for suitable tankmates are welcome
I've always been interested on getting a Jewel Cichlid. Just put off by their aggression. Its been 2 days and everyone seems to be getting along well. Just my RTBS chases my kribensis every now and then. Always keeping an eye on my Jewel, scared he might just snap and kill my other fish. He's only scared of my Gourami and gets on fine with everybody.
Will this mix work long term? I read Jewel gets more aggressive as they get bigger.
Im also thinking of adding Roseline sharks if that will work. Any suggestions for suitable tankmates are welcome
