New Member
Have a 3 inch male Jaguar with a 3 inch Butterkoferi in a 75 gal.
There's also a 10 inch pleco in there. Plenty of rock caves and driftwood crevices for hiding and, in fact, so much so where one fish couldn't see another from one end to the other. That said , I introduced the Jag and Butter at the same time. The first week was perfect; no badgering. Then the Jag started to seek out the Butter and has him rather stressed and hiding most of the time. However, on occasion they will swim together along the glass and then the Jag goes back to bullying. Note, that the Butter has no fear at feeding time and they seem to be growing at the same rate. Note, as well, that the Butter is a fast one and rarely have I seen a frayed fin or body gash. My intention was to have them there until they grew to large enough where I'd house them in a 120 gal. I don't want to give up on this experiment of having these 2 wonderful creatures co-exist.
Contemplating a few options:
1. intro a larger, tough cichlid or two. Thinking of Texas and/or Dempsey.
2. a school of dither fish ( but kind will survive or prove uninteresting to the Jag and Butter? )
3. a group of about 3 inch clown loaches; I've seen then numerous times co-existing with S.A. and C.A. cichlids.
just want the Jag to concentrate less on the Butter.
There's also a 10 inch pleco in there. Plenty of rock caves and driftwood crevices for hiding and, in fact, so much so where one fish couldn't see another from one end to the other. That said , I introduced the Jag and Butter at the same time. The first week was perfect; no badgering. Then the Jag started to seek out the Butter and has him rather stressed and hiding most of the time. However, on occasion they will swim together along the glass and then the Jag goes back to bullying. Note, that the Butter has no fear at feeding time and they seem to be growing at the same rate. Note, as well, that the Butter is a fast one and rarely have I seen a frayed fin or body gash. My intention was to have them there until they grew to large enough where I'd house them in a 120 gal. I don't want to give up on this experiment of having these 2 wonderful creatures co-exist.
Contemplating a few options:
1. intro a larger, tough cichlid or two. Thinking of Texas and/or Dempsey.
2. a school of dither fish ( but kind will survive or prove uninteresting to the Jag and Butter? )
3. a group of about 3 inch clown loaches; I've seen then numerous times co-existing with S.A. and C.A. cichlids.
just want the Jag to concentrate less on the Butter.