I've Treated My Fish For A Fungal Infection (Cotton Wool) How Long


Mostly New Member
Sep 6, 2013
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one of my leopard corys had cotton wool looking substance on his head so did a couple of other fish so had my lfs look at him they gave me a treatment and its going he is stress free happy n playful this was 4 days ago (treatment given) i decided to treat whole tank as others where being affected when do or can i put carbon filter back in tank as instructions give no clue thank u in advance for any advice
Should really treat in a bath as treating the whole tank may kill the filter bacteria depending on the ingredients
did my research first as its first time anything like this happened in my established tank, been testing regular and everything is fine, followed all instructions and they are doing great, never heard of treating them in the bath??? have u done it this way??? i really wanted to no when it is safe to put carbon filter back in, at the moment it is just in tank water in a bucket thanks for reply
After all the symptoms have disappeared, continue treating for another two days or so, depending on instructions on the medicine. 
You can put the carbon filter in when you want to remove the medication from the water column. The instructions on the medication should say how long treatment should take! But you know as an ongoing basis it is not necessary to keep the carbon filter in the filter compartment. They become inert after a few of months of use!
thank u this has been most useful, i did no about not using the carbon only had this one in about 3weeks...thanks peeps all advice gratefully received

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