Is This Stocking Okay?

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Jan 21, 2016
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I have a 25 gallons aquarium (its already cycled). I went to DODGY SITE NAME REMOVED and planned my stocking. I was thinking about 3 gold dust mollies, 7 neon tetras, and 5 zebra danios. Is that good? Or can you guys tell me about other stockings?
Before we can advise on stocking, we need to know the dimensions of the tank (some fish need more room to swim than others; volume doesn't matter that much) and the hardness of your water.
We never advise people to use that site. For example, the mollies are hard water fish, the neons like it soft, and the zebra danios don't do well at tropical temperatures; they like their water much cooler, so there's three ways it's put you wrong, right there
I'd also like to ask how you cycled the tank? There's been a lot of posts recently where new aquarists believe that allowing a tank to sit for 2 or 3 days means it's cycled and then we have to patiently explain that this is not the case.
Munroco said:
Don't worry though, whatever dimensions and water quality you have, there will be loads of choices.
Agreed; we can always find something (unless you want to run an unfiltered jam jar or something!) :)
I was thinking about 3 gold dust mollies
I think the tank is too small for Mollies, IMO Mollies need at least 4 foot tank. I have 1 male and 5 females in a 6 foot tank, the females are rather big now and geez they can swim fast.
I wouldn't consider mollies beginners fish either, IMHO platies would be a better choice, but only if you have hard water, as stated, soft water will slowly kill them, and the opposite is true for the neons, which are slowly killed by hard water.

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