Is This Possible?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2014
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So yesterday I walked into Petsmart to pick up an Anubias plant. After I got the plant I went to go look at the fish. (Not that i'd ever buy a fish from there but just looking at the half dead ich corrupted corpses to pass time waiting for my mother to park the car outside) There was a tank that had Hi-Fin Platys and silver Mollies for sale. Before my eyes I saw a large silver fish with a red Hi-Fin.  I was almost tempted to buy it. The fish looked fine to me, but I didn't want to risk it having some sort of disease which it most likely had. So I was wondering, Is it possible for Mollies and Platies to cross breed? I have never seen anything like this before.
No. The molly is genus Poecilia and platys are genus Xiphophorus. This means they can not breed. That molly is probably still a hybrid though. It is likely a sailfin crossed with a red molly. Sailfins are large mollies and they are also frequently silvery. They also have that high fin. The red parent provided the color which apparently only decided to show in the fin. There's a sticky in this sub forum about cross breeding livebearers. Have a peek.
Here's the link:
Or not...don't listen to me!

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