I wish I could read the meaning of that last post donk. I assume that you are going to get a picture when you can. My first guess is that wrighty's phone presented missive as a possible word that he intended and he accepted it instead of insisting on massive. A massive gravid spot would almost make sense in context here. A month old fry will not be expecting, regardless of gravid spot color. Stop watching for color right now (I know I can't order you around but I hate to see people set themselves up for failure so I use strong language sometimes). It is almost completely meaningless. Use shape and maybe use size a bit. If a female has started to square off she may be close to a drop and if she is huge she may be carrying fry, or alternatively may have just eaten a very nice meal. If there is a dark area, chances are that she is truly a she, that is about all I will say when I see a bit of color in a young fish. Otherwise I look for real evidence of carrying fry.
Please don't take this wrong. At one time I believed in using the color of a gravid spot but it took me very little time to find out just how unreliable it is as an indicator. Since I got past that point, my evaluation of a female's state has improved immensely.