It's been many years since I had my one and only encounter with Ich. I think I've got an outbreak but would like to confirm before starting treatment.
I noticed my severum was clamping his fins. There are white patches on them, but some are not the 'tiny' ones you associate with Ich. He is also rubbing the fins by rolling them into tight 'tubes'. The dorsal fin appears to have 'classic' ich, but the pectoral fin seems to have larger and slightly fluffy white patches. I've had a close look at the other tank inhabitants and MAYBE can see white specs on the Rummynose - can't see any on the other fish (BN's, corys, angels).
I introduced a new cichlid (Elliotti) 2 weeks ago, so I'm thinking the Ich might have come in with that (although the Elliotti has no symptoms.
What do you think? Ich or something else.....
It's been many years since I had my one and only encounter with Ich. I think I've got an outbreak but would like to confirm before starting treatment.
I noticed my severum was clamping his fins. There are white patches on them, but some are not the 'tiny' ones you associate with Ich. He is also rubbing the fins by rolling them into tight 'tubes'. The dorsal fin appears to have 'classic' ich, but the pectoral fin seems to have larger and slightly fluffy white patches. I've had a close look at the other tank inhabitants and MAYBE can see white specs on the Rummynose - can't see any on the other fish (BN's, corys, angels).
I introduced a new cichlid (Elliotti) 2 weeks ago, so I'm thinking the Ich might have come in with that (although the Elliotti has no symptoms.
What do you think? Ich or something else.....