Is This Enough Sand? Quick Replies Appreciated


Aug 21, 2008
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Hello everyone!

To anyone who has sand substrate in their tanks, how deep do you have it?
form the picture below would you say i need more sand or not? it goes below the black line, I will be having live plants, but probably attached to the wood, so not planted in the sand. only moss balls on top

The amount you have on the bottom is on your own personal preference. My sand beds are deep cause my fish like to dig and I've got live plants who need to spread their roots in it. If you do decide to get live plants that need to plant in the ground, you want at least 2" of depth.
does anubias or java moss and fern need to be planted in the bottom?
does anubias or java moss and fern need to be planted in the bottom?

Anubias & Java fern and Moss should be planted on wood or rocks with the rhizome being above the substrate to prevent them dying. If you aren't using wood/rocks then you can do what I have done and tie them to broken ceramic pots which are placed into the substrate but again make sure the rhizome is above the surface. This method has worked well for me.

Good luck :D
should be fine.Slope up from front to back to give the tank some depth
I do this every other week during a water change. By the next morning my fish have pushed pretty much all of it the other way so it slopes back to front ;)

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