Is This A Good Price For A 125 Gallon Set Up? ($350)


New Member
May 5, 2012
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I need to purchase a new habitat for my pleco. He's currently 8 inches in a 55 gallon.
I'm a student, so $350 is a lot of money to me. Should I hold out, or snag this up as a good deal? (I haggled it down $150.)
The man is offering to deliver it at my house. It comes with a 1000 canister filter, a light, a rock, and drift wood. And a stand. 
The only thing that looks "fishy" is that it's a deep 125 gallon, not a wide one.

I'd say that's a pretty good deal, and you might not find another deal that good.  If you can I'd say go for it!
It's a lot of money to spend for one fish, but it looks like it could be quite solid and if he's delivering it, that's great. It would cost more $$ to hire a van and do it otherwise if you don't have one yourself.

You could rub down the cabinet and stain or varnish it if you were after a project!

However, my advice is - don't use up every penny you have on it as you may wish to upgrade the filter or heater, for example. If you overstretch yourself you may regret it.
That is a beautiful tank, and the price is good. I paid £175 (roughly $265) for my second hand 155L tank, and I still think I got a great deal, so that's an absolute steal.

I would, however, agree with sadguppy. It's a lovely tank and if you can afford it then go for it, but I speak from experience when I say that more bargains always come along. I'm not saying don't buy it, but if you feel you would be in a better position later down the road, then don't be afraid to wait. Especially since you're just looking for a generally bigger tank, which is not a specific thing. More tanks will be along all the time.

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