Is This A Good Deal ?


New Member
Jul 22, 2012
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I was looking in to buying a fish tank and I found this the ad says it comes with everything I would need does it? And is that a good price?
Buy It Now Is 100% Ripoff I Wouldn't Pay That For That Tank Setup But If You Can Get It For $400 Think That's About Right Price But Please Look More On There You Will Find Better One For That Mate That's What I Think Anyway's.
Buy It Now Is 100% Ripoff I Wouldn't Pay That For That Tank Setup But If You Can Get It For $400 Think That's About Right Price But Please Look More On There You Will Find Better One For That Mate That's What I Think Anyway's.

What kind of price would be a good price for that?
The oscar lol ;) That's a big problem, he/she needs a much bigger set-up. As well as the shark he has (think its a paroon) The Tank looks ok but im sure you could get a nicer looking tank with the same equipment for the same price if not less.
don't look like any bad bits on it but u never can tell till you Look at It setup all you will need is the fish and away u go i would ask to look at it 1st or ask more info like is the any marks on the tank ar all bulbs working and it will depend on if ur willing to pay that much when u ant seen it all setup all they are pic's try get a vueing 1st then sey yes or no mate. That's All I Can Go of So Dont Know Much Info On To Buy Or Not.
I don't think it comes with the fish lol. And some new decor and a different background would make it look better wouldn't it?
The oscar lol ;) That's a big problem, he/she needs a much bigger set-up. As well as the shark he has (think its a paroon) The Tank looks ok but im sure you could get a nicer looking tank with the same equipment for the same price if not less.

Agree Mate.
I don't think it comes with the fish lol. And some new decor and a different background would make it look better wouldn't it?

Maybe it will mate But If You Think Its Worth it Then Go For it But i Wouldn't pay That For It You Can Make A Bigger One for less if u look around.
k time for the truth I am really the seller I just wanted some info to help sell it but I was not sure if I would get a straight answer if I came here as the seller or I would get kicked for spam. As for the oscar my friend has him (he has a 150 gallon). So what is a better price for the tank? $200? I really just don't feel like taking care of fish anymore and I got the tank from a relative a few years ago. Sorry for lying I just thought that would be the best way to get a good answer. :blush:
Like I Sed The £900 Buy It Now I think Is A Rip Of But That's All I Think I Never Payed That For Mine whats same bit Bigger Then That Maybe You Will Get $400 But That's Depending On The Marks If Its got Chips N Marks On Glass Dont Think You Will Get That.
Like I Sed The £900 Buy It Now I think Is A Rip Of But That's All I Think I Never Payed That For Mine whats same bit Bigger Then That Maybe You Will Get $400 But That's Depending On The Marks If Its got Chips N Marks On Glass Dont Think You Will Get That.

There are no chips just some minor hairline scratches but they aren't even noticeable. And it is $ not £. In £ it is £576.30 buy it now and £256.13 auction start.

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