I was looking in to buying a fish tank and I found this http
/www.ebay.com/itm/150862385045?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 the ad says it comes with everything I would need does it? And is that a good price?

You Thinking Of Buy It Now Price Or Bid's?
Buy It Now Is 100% Ripoff I Wouldn't Pay That For That Tank Setup But If You Can Get It For $400 Think That's About Right Price But Please Look More On There You Will Find Better One For That Mate That's What I Think Anyway's.
i'd say $380.00 That's All I Wud Pay Mate.
The oscar lolThat's a big problem, he/she needs a much bigger set-up. As well as the shark he has (think its a paroon) The Tank looks ok but im sure you could get a nicer looking tank with the same equipment for the same price if not less.
I don't think it comes with the fish lol. And some new decor and a different background would make it look better wouldn't it?
Like I Sed The £900 Buy It Now I think Is A Rip Of But That's All I Think I Never Payed That For Mine whats same bit Bigger Then That Maybe You Will Get $400 But That's Depending On The Marks If Its got Chips N Marks On Glass Dont Think You Will Get That.