Is there a way to bring the KH levels in water down besides R/O units, bottled water, or distilled water??

Mix it with tapwater to achieve the required parameters. SIMPLES......
Yah I would... And my mom was looking into rainwater stills but our HOA doesn't allow them 😡
Yah I would... And my mom was looking into rainwater stills but our HOA doesn't allow them 😡
That's a bugger then. You know, every time you boil a kettle of water for a coffee, the extra that doesn't get used has a lower GH. The boiling reduces a few things, as well as getting rid of calcium. Just bottle it for use later. I did a series of tests for boiled water and posted results on forum somewhere.
That's a bugger then. You know, every time you boil a kettle of water for a coffee, the extra that doesn't get used has a lower GH. The boiling reduces a few things, as well as getting rid of calcium. Just bottle it for use later. I did a series of tests for boiled water and posted results on forum somewhere.
While that is a great idea and I love it, we use a coffee maker, not a kettle
Mix it with tapwater to achieve the required parameters. SIMPLES......
He hit the nail on the head wifcrain water..
If as u say ur HOA won't permit tanks outside.. then put one in your basement. Run gutter water into. Use a sump pump to get out and up to tanks.
Easy nothing hard.☺️
I would also remind the HOA.. of Jackson Mississippi. I believe they still have boil water requirements. Now all house's need to be self sufficient. IMHO
Good luck.
So I was wondering if there was a way to lower KH without using R/O or other water sources.
If I can lower the KH it will make it easier to change my PH!
Of course I'd change the PH gradually of the course of a month or two.
But if I can find a way to lower that I may be able to create a healthier environment for my fish.
CO2 generator with line in bucket before adding to tank? Rainwater is a whole lot cheaper than sugar, or buying CO2 tanks
He hit the nail on the head wifcrain water..
If as u say ur HOA won't permit tanks outside.. then put one in your basement. Run gutter water into. Use a sump pump to get out and up to tanks.
Easy nothing hard.☺️
I would also remind the HOA.. of Jackson Mississippi. I believe they still have boil water requirements. Now all house's need to be self sufficient. IMHO
Good luck.
We don't have a basement 😅
CO2 generator with line in bucket before adding to tank? Rainwater is a whole lot cheaper than sugar, or buying CO2 tanks
Co2 removes KH?
We don't have a basement 😅

Co2 removes KH?
carbon dioxide (CO2) is acidic. Adding it to water lowers the pH and any carbonate hardness in the water is used up trying to neutralise the acid water.

After the CO2 has used up the KH, the pH could be too low and you would have to buffer the KH to bring the pH back up to where you want it.

It does the same thing as peat, just quicker.
This... This could be my answer.
I would have to test it on a bucket of water but I may be able to do it if it's not TOO expensive.

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