Is My Tank Overstocked

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Feb 22, 2013
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Hey everyone
Just wondering if my tank is over stocked
I have a 60g tank :
2 bala
3 rosealine sharks
1 flying fox fish
16 neon tetras
6 phantom tetras
2 clown plecos
1 hill stream loach
6 clown loaches
The tanks has been running for 1 1/2 months and everything has been checked by a professional for all levels and everything is fine. There are many hiding places for each of the bottom feeders so there hasn't been any aggression shown from any fish
Please let me know
Yes would be my answer.  Mainly because of two fish species that require large tanks.
Clown loaches can grow to 12 inches long for a start with a minimum recommended tank size of 75 Gallon.
Bala Shark should be kept in shoal with minimum of 3 (better with 6) and can grow up to 14 inches and in a 100 gallon minimum tank.
I do plan on getting a larger tank in the future
Probley in 6-12 months time
Is that enough time to have the fish in the 60g.
And if so at the current state where all the fish are babies and the largest is the flying fox at 6-8 inches.
Sadly I'd remove the bala sharks, The only way to keep them is having them in a tank by themselfs and having a min tank size of at least 120gal.
Also clown loaches again will outgrow your tank very quickly, So I'd look at upgrading now rather than later. But in short, yes you are very overstocked.
Do you have a testing kit? Getting your water "tested" by LFS or anyone else is silly as they'll feed you lies to buy more fish that aren't fit for your tank.

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