Hey all I have a 20 gallon long aquascape. about 2 inches of substrate and a few rocks. Lots of plants. It is fully cycled and I have had it since like January I think. In the tank, I have 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish, 6 Endler's Livebearers (3 male 3 female), 3 Panda Platys, 3 Guppies, 3 Ghost shrimp, 3 Blue mystery snails, and 5 red cherry shrimp, and 1 albino bristlenose pleco. Is my tank overcrowded? I plan on going to garage sales this summer and getting used tanks so I can get the platies out and guppies to have a nice tank with only the rainbowfish and some endlers. (Actually maybe some lyretail guppies, the ones I have now are ugly). Thanks much