Is My Setup Right?


New Member
Nov 18, 2014
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Hi forum, this is my first post and also my first tank, I was wondering if someone could give me tips or evaluate the setup I have right now, as I've been having some problems with brown algae and I'm not sure what fish to put in. 
I have a 15 gallon planted tank, two compact fluorescent light bulbs of 15 watts each aprox. I have three small java ferns, three amazon swords and other stem plant I haven´t been able to recognize. My filtration system is pretty big, the filter is about 1/3 the size of my tank, I have a big piece of driftwood, DIY co2, about 5 cm of substrate. I have a series of questions. First, is it ok to use land fertilizer for my swords?, I don´t have any fish currently in the tank to produce ammonia so I buried these pellets that contain urea, p2o5 and pottasium and it slowly degrades so the plant can use it, I use a very small amount and it lasts quite some time before it degrades, when I press the ground where the pellets are bubbles rise, will these bubbles harm my fish? . Is the substrate's thickness enough? I´ve heard you need at least 10 cm for the swords.
And most important, what kind of fish could I use? I know I should use smaller species and I have an idea of which but i don´t want to overstock my tank, this is what I was thinking:
1 flying fox to help with the algae
6 rasboras or tetras 
2 ram cichlids 
I apologize for the english it's not my first language, I hope I made everything clear, and thank you for your help!

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