Fish Crazy
It never ends, LOL. So now I think one of my Platys might be pregnant.
I have 2 Platys and am feeding them both the same amount. (They live in a community aquarium, so they both have access to the same amount of food.) One of them has started paling slightly in color and her abdomen has started swelling. There is no pineconing and she is swimming and eating well, so I don't suspect dropsy. When I shine a flashlight from behind her, I can see a large dark oval in the abdomen. The other Platy keeps chasing her around.
I have never raised fry before and don't know what to do. (If she is pregnant.) I have a 10 gal that I could use to isolate the Platys. If I don't choose to raise the fry, will the other fish eat them?
I've attached a picture of the 'pregnant' Platy compared to the other one.
Thanks for your help!
I have 2 Platys and am feeding them both the same amount. (They live in a community aquarium, so they both have access to the same amount of food.) One of them has started paling slightly in color and her abdomen has started swelling. There is no pineconing and she is swimming and eating well, so I don't suspect dropsy. When I shine a flashlight from behind her, I can see a large dark oval in the abdomen. The other Platy keeps chasing her around.
I have never raised fry before and don't know what to do. (If she is pregnant.) I have a 10 gal that I could use to isolate the Platys. If I don't choose to raise the fry, will the other fish eat them?
I've attached a picture of the 'pregnant' Platy compared to the other one.
Thanks for your help!